Occupational health and safety

New Horizon Consulting Pty Ltd works to develop healthy and safe workplaces.

Taking a systematic approach to the management of OH&S means making changes in the workplace at different levels.

Ergonomics played no role in this chair!

Immediate hazards in the workplace can be remedied, systems can be altered to prevent hazards being introduced into the workplace and the atmosphere of the workplace can be changed so that the health, safety and welfare of people becomes the priority of the workplace culture.

New Horizon Consulting Pty Ltd can help your organisation work on each of these levels. We have the expertise to assist you with finding, assessing and controlling workplace hazards. We can help you be systematic in your management of OHS in a manner that is tailored to your unique organisation. We can work collaboratively with your management and workforce to bring OH&S to the fore in the culture of your workplace.

Because of its investment in people, a focus on occupational health and safety management issues has provided many organisations with an anchor during the ups and downs of change processes. Allied with best practice goals and precepts, organisations have found the steady guidance needed, along with the courage to experiment, to sometimes be wrong, but to stay with it and move forward. Foreword from Verna Blewett and Andrea Shaw, 1997, Best Practice in OHS Management, CCH Australia, Sydney.

OH&S Performance measurement

Knowing how your organisation is performing allows you to be confident of your achievements and helps you be accountable as individuals and as a business unit or an organisation. We can introduce you to new ways of thinking about OH&S performance measurement that will help you to put your effort into positively improving your workplace, instead of merely trying to meet the requirements of someone else's audit. Our methods take the focus off individual behaviour and place it squarely on the organisational culture to enable all members of the organisation to contribute to improving OH&S. These are ways that work.